beautiful group
Can you believe it? Here we are again! Sitting at the beginning of another New Year!
Did 2015 go the way you planned?
What do you have in the works for 2016? Something big?!
Remember, we tend to find exactly what we’re looking for — so be clear on what you are looking for. After all, the year will happen with or without your engagement, so you might as well take the helm and steer the leadership of 2016 your way.

Here’s one BIG change that will make all the difference:

More specifically, switch from what you are trying to avoid to what you are trying to attract. I saw a sign that said: “Hate has no business here!”  I love the sentiment, and of course we all get the meaning, but what are the big action words? Hate and No. But what we really want more of is Love and Yes.

My daughter is doing a science experiment studying the impact of positive and negative words on strawberries. Yes, really. And she is finding that words of hate and negativity written on a piece of paper and placed near a strawberry cause actual mold up to twice as fast as words of love and compliment placed next to them. She’s finding an actual causal relationship! Culture tries to tell us words don’t really matter, but the truth is they matter deeply. So instead of saying things like:

“I don’t want to fail this year.”
“I can’t lose this deal!”
“I won’t give up…”
“I have to lose weight.”
Say what you really mean, and what will invariably be more powerful:
“I will succeed.”
“I am the best solution for this prospect.”
“I will make 10 calls a day to reach my goal!”
“I will walk 10 mins a day.”
The more specific you get, the better. And if you haven’t seen this, take 4:39 to watch the power of the word “Beautiful.” You will be glad you did.

How we talk to ourselves and others really does matter.