
I wrote this article a few days before the Orlando shooting and it seems more apropos than ever. At a time when I, and so many of us, feel helpless, powerless and at the mercy of so much hate, violence, and fear, it’s a fair question to ask: Where does power come from?  Does it come from within?

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
~ Alice Walker

Most people think power is something you acquire — when actually they have it all along. It’s just that most people fail to see it and therefore fail to use it. Don’t feel too badly; after all, we live in a society that rewards following. Questioners are seen as the oddballs and trouble-makers, or simply naive, and as we get punished, insulted and intimidated for stepping outside the box, too many of us begin the slow decent into forgetting that we all inherently had power to begin with. Let us remember: 

“We are powerful beyond measure.”
~ Marianne Williamson

But as long as our culture brain washes us into believing that power, authority, and leadership is bestowed upon us by someone else – by position or title or might – we will continue to seek it outside of ourselves. “Please sir, may I have another promotion? I’ve worked really hard, sir, I’ve done as I have been told.”  And if you are lucky, your boss might promote you.  But that isn’t your power nor is it your leadership. It’s theirs: the role they want you to fill. No one has the authority to give you your power. It is already inside of you from the moment you were born, and when you realize that, you can use it to earn positions and create influence and design opportunities and create real change. Losing the position someone else “gave you” does not strip you from your power, for the two are not tied together. They can take your job, but you will hold on to your power.

Where does leadership begin? With the courageous acceptance that you do have power. As hard as that may seem after each one of these tragedies, like the terrible events in Orlando this week, remember: You are not powerless.

If you want help finding your power in these situations, consider these resources:


“Out there beyond right and wrong is a field, I’ll meet you there.”  
~ Rumi

What a glorious day it will be when we can meet in that field and explore new and brave possibilities.