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“You’re not the boss of me!”   

“Stop being so bossy!”  

“Who died and made you boss?”

And these are just the phrases kids use!  

Any way it comes out, however, it is most assuredly NOT a compliment. So why do so many people clamor to be the ‘boss’? If you’re aspiring to ‘be the boss’ you might want to stop and check in with your intention, because as children know instinctively, bossy is all about telling people want to do and demanding allegiance.  If, however, you’re aspiring to have a positive impact on the team, or to change the world, your company, your industry, your family…that doesn’t take a boss or bossiness. That takes leadership.

Leaders aren’t in it to tell people what to do. They’re in it to show people what is possible and to inspire people to be more than they have been.