Last week we mentioned the CVI, and I thought we should take a moment to talk about it. For those of you who might be wondering, the Core Values Index is a powerful assessment that cuts to the core of who you are as a person by measuring exactly what you value. This isn’t about the classic values we learn in Sunday school; these are the deeper values that define who we are, and govern our decision making and the way we show up in the world. They are largely unconscious to most of us — that is, until they are named. That’s the power of this tool. In naming our values and conflict strategies it gives us language and understanding — language and understanding that leads to problem solving, creativity, and deeper, healthier relationships, both personally and professionally. We’re often lacking in those areas because we don’t understand WHY we make the decisions we do; we don’t have a deep enough grasp of what really motivates us, or our peers. Once that is understood, the connection and changes that take place are incredible.
I’ve watched marriages come back from the brink of collapse, hostile team environments shift into compatible, efficient engines, and career trajectories fly forward. Once you have the language to communicate, those scary conversations become manageable. Those repeating cycles suddenly make sense. And you are suddenly much more able to make changes in your own life. I encourage you to take either the comprehensive or the limited results free test and see what it tells you. Then call me — and we can explore options for how to put the knowledge to valuable use.
Insight and knowledge are powerful tools. When we understand what truly drives us, they become exponentially more so.