Why Your Starting Point Matters More Than Almost Anything
Consciously choosing your starting point can revolutionize your work, life, and relationships. Discover how to trade doubt and skepticism for a much healthier alternative — and better outcomes all around.

Here’s the Problem With Being Right All the Time
Discover how having to be right all the time robs others of their agency, ownership, and ambition to do great work independently — and how to lead in a better way.

Here’s How to Fix Your Dysfunctional Team for Good
Don’t settle for a dysfunctional team. Discover how insatiable curiosity is the key to healing a team that feels broken and divided beyond repair.

The Case for Apathy
Think sympathy and empathy are king? Discover how apathy might not be what you think it is — and how it can even be helpful in the right situations.

Forgiveness is *&^%ing Hard
Struggling with forgiveness? Good news: forgiveness isn’t wiping anything away or giving people a pass for what occurred. It’s a chance to be something different. Learn how here.

Divided Team? Here’s Why It’s Important to Ask The Right Questions
Is your team divided? Has communication broken down? Here’s why asking the right questions can get you to a place of clarity, unity, and forgiveness.

Is Success Worth the Price of Admission?
Success doesn’t always require advancement. If you’re stressed out or unfulfilled at work, discover how not taking that promotion might be exactly what you need.

The Power of Limiting the Problem
Having trouble with problems that seem more complex than you can manage? Discover how to limit the scope of them so they don’t balloon into more than you can handle.

The Power of Naming the Problem
Having trouble solving a problem? Is it real or perceived? Discover how to name the problem and get to the core of the issue so you can fix what’s broken.

The Pitfalls of Asking How (Before What and Why)
Are you asking how when you should be asking what or why? Discover how to resist the temptation to jump ahead to the right answers to the wrong questions.