The Entrepreneur’s Problem
Here’s a thought to ponder: the quality, skills, & talents that it takes to start and build a company or project are not the same qualities, skills, & talents that it takes to then solidify and grow that into something bigger. To start and to grow are two...

It’s Not About The Slap
If Will was defending his wife, that would make Jada the “victim," yes? So the million-dollar question (and the leadership lesson we can find) is this: At what point was she consoled? I'm not going to get into the right and wrong of Will Smith and Chris Rock, because...

On Clarity For A Promotion
Remember that Far Side cartoon (at least, I think it was Far Side!) where the dog finally catches the car? He sits next to it, a little forlorn, and the caption reads, “Now what?” Have you ever gotten a promotion and felt the same way? When someone gets promoted,...

Every ‘Yes’ Is A ‘No’ To Something Else
There is one simple and universal truth that, while clearly undeniable, often goes unnoticed or intentionally ignored by leaders especially. That truth is this: Every 'yes' is a 'no' to something else. Think about it. If you say yes to staying late, you're saying no...

The Value of Checking In
With all due respect to The Godfather and a healthy fear of the mafia, Micheal Corleone got it wrong. I mean, come on -- if you’re about to kill me for business, I'm gonna take that pretty personally, dontcha think? "It's not personal, it's strictly business.”...

On Not Taking It Personally
When you oversee a team, certain things can start to feel pretty personal. Say you've got an employee who's been with you for years. You enjoy working with them, they do great work, and you're confident they're happy with their job. Then one day, they come into your...

When It’s Time For Stairs
The timing is perfect, really. Through the years in this newsletter, you've heard about a few different home projects I've undertaken. One in particular I've waited to do until now: the stairs. Stairs are a tricky project, for lots of reasons. First of all, they're...

Why Do It Yourself?
In this country, most of us have been thoroughly ingrained with a 'bootstrap' mentality: we pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps. We do it ourselves! Leaders are especially prone to this mentality. And don't get me wrong; there are some things only you can do, and...

“Leadership Training Isn’t Really Worth It, Is It?”
I don’t think it was meant as an insult; it was a fair question, after all. All of them had been through countless trainings through the years. And in the end, we’re very motivated -- but very little changes. The changes that do come seem to come at a glacial...

They Can’t See What They’re Not Looking For
Recently, a manager shared with me how she made suggestions to a team member — who in turn took none of the suggestions, and instead made the situation worse. What’s more fascinating is that this team member actually did the very thing they were criticizing someone...