When Your Team Complains To You
A lot of empathetic and “Merchant” (see CVI) type leaders will feel lost when they have team members coming into their office to complain about one another, or to express frustration with the way another behaved in a meeting. As these leaders bring these examples to...

An Environment for Goals
If you’ll remember, I’ve been working on a couple paddleboards for my daughter and I. And the very last step — the final touch — is that final glossy finish. But I’m finding something frustrating: I pour the epoxy, and it looks AMAZING. Gorgeous. Liquid glass. I leave...

Let’s Talk About Meetings
Holy Crap! Can you believe it’s 2022!? Well, it’s a new year, and I'm already behind schedule. We all want to save time, right? So let’s address that ginormous time-suck: The Dreaded Meeting. How often do you gather for a meeting — whether in a virtual or physical...

Why Your 2022 Goals Will Fail
Now, the good news is that this post is a lot more hopeful than the title implies. If you consider the whole thing, you are infinitely more likely to succeed. Think about it. Why, for you, have the resolutions and goals of yesteryear failed to come to fruition? I’m...

Christmas Seeds
It is, A time of hope, A time of love, A time of Memories -- the joyful and the sad. A time we wish upon a star, A time that brings an ending, A time resting quietly on the doorstep of new beginnings. These are the times of the season. It’s a time when we lean...

The Most Unanimous Complaint
I’ve worked with a lot of organizations & across a lot of industries — from Fortune 100 to Non-profit, from Law enforcement to education. And across them all, there is one complaint I’ve heard more consistently than any other: “THEY (meaning leadership) never...

For When It Really IS A People Problem
Last week, we talked about people problems versus system problems. But I want to point out that there are real and genuine people problems, sometimes — although, in this example, they are likely not what you’re thinking. The biggest people problem I experience is when...

Is It A People Problem?
Have you ever noticed that sometimes, we like to make problems out to be people problems — when they’re really system, process, or technical problems? Your coworker keeps making mistakes at work. It’s easy to say they’re lazy, disengaged or incompetent. But isn’t it...

One Step At A Time (Or: More Paddle Boards!)
Recently, I shared with you all my journey in making a pair of handmade paddle boards for my daughter and myself, including the remarkable effect that epoxy has on what was a hole in the wooden frame. Once the epoxy was on, the hole was non-existent; the hard shell...

Accountability vs. Compensation
"Positive accountability is easy," he told me. "If they do what they commit to, they get rewarded. But," he asked, "how do we use positive accountability when they miss the mark?" The short answer? Separate accountability from compensation altogether. When we hire...