Steven's Own Words

The Wisdom of Paddleboards

The Wisdom of Paddleboards

All too often, we don’t recognize the power of how our resources work together. A person we work with is often oversimplified as either ‘good or bad.’ But we forget what the correlation is between parts. What tools do they actually bring to the table? Their...

Our Feet Are Spreading

Our Feet Are Spreading

“Huh? I have no idea what you mean," I replied when my wife shared that 'our feet had spread.' “During the pandemic,” she said. "Turns out that people the world ‘round are having a hard time fitting into their work shoes after 18 months of barefoot and slippers.”...

We Are Not Self-Made

We Are Not Self-Made

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe. - Carl Sagan Our culture loves to worship the 'self-made millionaire,' the 'self-made business leader,' the person who pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps and made their own...

Consider The Archer

Consider The Archer

More times than not, I think we seek the path of least resistance. It's our survival instinct. We avoid obstacles, challenges, and danger, rather than asking how we could harness it and use it for good. But things we often avoid and resist can be powerful if...

Where We Grow In A Pandemic

Where We Grow In A Pandemic

This pandemic has been painful for all of us. Certainly some of us much more than others; they say we're all in the same boat, but it would be more accurate to say we're all in the same storm. Many of us are armed with very different boats to deal with the same...

Always Remember: 9/11

Always Remember: 9/11

Twenty years ago, like most of us, I woke up to news I couldn’t have imagined in my wildest nightmares. And it didn’t stop. Seeing the first tower hit in NYC was an image that felt not just incomprehensible, but non-duplicatable. Then the second tower was hit, and...

Write It Down

Write It Down

If you've ever felt like you just can't get organized, if your brain feels like spaghetti, if you're overwhelmed at a problem -- many times, the solution is much more simple than we realize: Write. It. Down.  The value of getting all the crap out of our heads and onto...

Why’d You Have To Be So Mean?

Why’d You Have To Be So Mean?

Have you ever listened to a teammate or supervisor explain something, and you notice your defenses just go right up at their tone of voice? They have great things to say. You'd like to engage. But they're just being so mean!  I think we've all been here, right? Well,...

Perfect Is The Enemy of What?

Perfect Is The Enemy of What?

Voltaire said: “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Jim Collins said: “Good is the enemy of great.” Steven Fulmer said: “Great is the enemy of done.”  That’s a lot of enemies.  So let’s break it down. Voltaire was talking about the balance between purpose and resources....

The Opportunity of Leadership

The Opportunity of Leadership

It’s time to bid on your schedule at work. You know the drill: RHIP baby. Rank Hath Its Privilege. “Hey man, I paid my dues; I get whatever shift I want. When you have seniority you get to do that, too.” Or perhaps your version is more literally an issue of rank: You...


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