Steven's Own Words

Dealing with a Narcissistic Boss

Dealing with a Narcissistic Boss

I had a request recently from a reader to write a post on dealing with a narcissist boss. Now, I'm not a psychologist, so I can't speak as deeply to this as a mental health professional would. That being said, I do have some experience with it, having worked for a...

On The Manifest Movement

On The Manifest Movement

Are you familiar with the Manifest Movement? It's this idea that we can visualize and imagine our goals and desires so strongly, so perfectly, that they actually come true. It's so prevalent in our society that you've probably at least heard or seen a reference to it...

Following Up On The “And”

Following Up On The “And”

Last week, I shared a post about how important it is to 'reconcile the and.' The times in life, in our society, where a wonderful thing and a terrible thing are both true...those times require emotional work to reconcile. I received more feedback than normal about...

Reconciling the “And”

Reconciling the “And”

More and more, it seems like we as a culture, a country, a people...leaders...are having difficulty with the word 'and.' The founding fathers built a country that is truly remarkable…and many were slaveowners. They wrote a brilliant constitution...and that...

What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

  If you were asked how important your name is, what would you say? I mean, besides, “Huh? What the heck do you mean?” I mean: how important is your name? How important is it others get it right, pronounce it correctly? It’s more than a sound. More than a way to...

Who Are You Influencing Today?

Who Are You Influencing Today?

Who are you influencing today? No one? I assure you that is most definitely not the case. Whether you are aware of it or not, whether you like it or not, everyone has influence. You are always exerting it, and it can be dangerous to pretend it's not there. Not...

Perspective Changes Everything

Perspective Changes Everything

Once I was working with a team, and the situation they kept facing was that one team member felt like they were being picked on. Now, according to most everyone else on the team, they weren’t being picked on at all. Rather, they actually had some performance issues,...

Why Conversational Framework Matters

Why Conversational Framework Matters

When it comes to conflict, sometimes it isn't the subject of the conversation that causes the rift: it's the framework in which we discuss it. It's the assumptions we make when we dive in. In my experience, the CVI can be a great way to understand this on a deeper...

What Makes a “Great” Supervisor?

What Makes a “Great” Supervisor?

I had a client recently who was getting caught up in the idea of being a ‘great’ supervisor. She really wanted to be the best she could be — a very worthwhile endeavor! The tricky part comes, however, in how we measure ‘greatness.’ “So,” I asked her, “have you ever...

How To Confront Your Boss

How To Confront Your Boss

Let me lay out a scenario that is, I'm willing to bet, all too familiar to anyone reading this. Your boss tells you to do something, but you don't think it's the right call. You know that your time would be better spent elsewhere, and yet if you say that, you know...


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