Steven's Own Words

We Needed This Again

We Needed This Again

A few years ago, I wrote this post. After everything we’ve been through in 2020, reading through it was cathartic for me — I hope it will be for you, too. Happy New Year, friends; may 2021 bring better things for all of us. The Magic Isn’t Where You Think Shhh......

Because You Love Life

Because You Love Life

I received a Note From The Universe, my all time favorite email to receive each morning, and it said something that really hit me kinda hard: "Do your earthly things. Do all of them. Move with your dreams. Not because of what you may or may not achieve, but because...

The Unintentional Leader

The Unintentional Leader

As an attendee at a speaker’s training, the facilitator, Izzy Gissell, asked for a volunteer. Given the audience was ALL speakers — you know, people who aren’t afraid to be in front of others and speak — it was shocking how many of them looked away hoping not to be...

Nine Peoples’ Favorite Thing

Nine Peoples’ Favorite Thing

There’s a line from a musical, called “Title of Show,” that goes, “I’d rather be nine people’s favorite thing, than a hundred people’s ninth favorite thing.”  That line got me thinking. A lot of people may say that — but when the rubber hits the road, do they really...

Leading Groups vs. Individuals

Leading Groups vs. Individuals

A lot of leaders think they’re supposed to have ALL the answers ALL the time. They think they need to be ALL things to ALL people. And, sometimes, there are aspects in leadership in which that is true: a CEO needs to speak to everybody when they’re giving a...

What If People Could Change?

What If People Could Change?

We don’t really trust change. At all.   Do we? I can hear some of you saying: “That’s not true, we change easily, all the time!” Really? Then let’s change; you go first. 😃 I think we accept the obvious examples that we all “change.” If we didn’t, then we would like...



Photo by Rick L on UnsplashHere’s a fact as old as time: Our brain is always trying to protect us. Our natural instinct is survival, so we are constantly trying to figure out what nearby dangers loom, in order to take appropriate action and protect ourselves. Even in...

Education vs  Experience

Education vs Experience

Photo by Roman Mager on UnsplashThese days, there are ALL KINDS of classes out there — promising all kinds of results for all kinds of people needing all kinds of skill sets. When it comes to professional development, it’s tempting to think that any and all education...

Misunderstood Optimism

Misunderstood Optimism

Photo by Nick Fewings on UnsplashWhy do we have such a deep misunderstanding of optimism in our culture? We seem to have so much more respect for the negative and the cynical. Do we think people are more realistic, more honest, more intelligent if they notice the...

Being Our Own Leader

Being Our Own Leader

Photo by rob walsh on Unsplash One of my clients recently made some of their long-time employees partners in their firm, and it got me thinking about the difference between following and leading. Partners are invested in the outcome of the business; they aren’t just...


NEW Book: Leadership Just Got Personal

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