How do you get above the shouting?
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash Does anyone else feel like there’s a lot of anger in the air these days? Or is that just me? I’m sure you can sense the sarcasm there. With protests, debates, division, and an election year...there’s a lot of frustration and fighting...

Professional Progress During the Pandemic
Photo by STIL on Unsplash I’ve been working from home for 15 years, but even I’m having a tough time with the current quarantine. With the added distractions of a wife and two daughters at home, not to mention all that's happening in the world outside, things are...

Pandemic Plus: Managing Mistrust in the Changing Workplace
Photo by Corina Rainer on Unsplash Recently, I had a conversation with a client who is facing something that really serves as a great example of one of our biggest collective issues in this stressful time. We have a tendency to see things the way we’ve always seen...

Embodying Captain America: Resilience In The Face Of Adversity
Photo by Limor Zellermayer on Unsplash "Who are you without that suit?!” It was a fabulous question Captain America asked of Iron Man. Sorry, my family recently embarked on a full 23 Marvel movie marathon as a way to pass time through the quarantine, so now...

How To Have A Better Meeting
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash Last week, we discussed this era’s overreliance on Zoom, and when we need to step away from the video call — or from a meeting altogether. It’s just not always necessary! Remember: a meeting exists for one reason only: to solve a...

Video Conferencing and When to Avoid It
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash Personally, I avoid video conferencing whenever I can. My wife does Zoom calls all day and is exhausted from it. I do one or two a week and hate them. Zoom has replaced meetings, but these digital replacements are not the same as...
Letting Go Of Knowing What’s Next
One of the hardest things a leader faces is giving themselves permission to actually feel, to actually be sad, to actually not know what they are doing. Right now, that means recognizing that with the pandemic and everything going on, no one can pretend to understand...

Taking a Moment to Review Your Relationships
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash “Books are meant to be read from beginning to end, but they are best understood from end to beginning.” - from the 2016 film Mr. Church. Like books, situations can be better understood when looking at them in reverse. Some divisions...

A New Lens for Foundational Leadership
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash Beware of the way things have always been done, they can hide a great deal of creativity. Working with law enforcement I was enthralled when a civilian who works for a Sheriff’s Office referred to the deputy level of the...
When Being “Right” Can be Quite Wrong
There is a great scene in the show Friends where Phoebe and Ross are having an argument about evolution. Ross spends most of the episode attempting to convince Phoebe that Evolution is true. By the end, exasperated by his incessant demand that he be right and convince...