by Steven Fulmer | Jun 1, 2016 | Uncategorized
It’s been said that courage is not the absence of fear, but acting in spite of the fear. This being the week of Memorial Day, such words take on many different meanings. All weekend, perhaps because of the holiday, I’ve had the 70’s song from Paper Lace running...
by Steven Fulmer | Jun 1, 2016 | Uncategorized
Do you know how long it takes for sunlight to reach the planet Earth? Even traveling at the remarkable speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second,it takes more than 8 minutes from the time light is released from the sun’s surface to reach our humble planet,...
by Steven Fulmer | May 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
Technology, systems, processes, administration — they all go through people.And all people come with emotions, with baggage, with reactions and inconsistencies. Put simply, Business is People. Without people, there would be no business and no one for your...
by Steven Fulmer | May 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
Aren’t sports analogies great? They’re always available–no matter what situation you find yourself in, there’s a sports analogy for that. Plus, even if you’re not a sports aficionado, you can usually follow along. And it’s true, they are...
by Steven Fulmer | May 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
Note to self: there is a certain beauty, a certain nobility, a certain…“something” in the Divine Dissatisfaction one can find in their work or life. In my striving for perfection and infallibility (is that just me?), it is all too easy to doubt myself when I...
by Steven Fulmer | Apr 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
I recently met a woman just out of college — one of those “millennials”, I suppose, who was struggling to find a job. She was struggling, but she didn’t want any help — she wanted to do it all on her own. I asked, but she couldn’t really...