It’s Action Time!

It’s Action Time!

They say success is moving from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. I guess I get that, but wouldn’t success be far better if you were able to move from success to success with a growing level of enthusiasm? We’ve talked in the past  about letting...
The Path of Least Resistance

The Path of Least Resistance

The path of least resistance isn’t always what you think. If you think in terms of nature, it’s pretty obvious: water moving down a mountain takes the path of least resistance, flowing around rocks, under branches, wearing a groove that’s virtually never a straight...
Our Past Self Needs Our Patience

Our Past Self Needs Our Patience

Last week we talked about how sometimes, it can be easy to look at the struggles of others and assume they should not be having a difficult time. After all, their challenge would be easy for us. But it’s also easy to make the same judgmental mistake when we look at...
Leadership=Grace Through the Turmoil

Leadership=Grace Through the Turmoil

My oldest daughter started high school this year, and it became instantly apparent there’s a lot of fear and excitement that goes into a transition like that. Think about it: one year they are kings and queens of the castle, and they come back from summer at the...

Making Change: Part II

Last week we talked about giving your team time to process a big change. But that naturally invokes the question–what do you do in that time? How can you learn and grow in that space? First of all, remember this is a space for development and learning. Spend the...

Digging In The Sand To Create Change

Leading change is like digging in dry sand. As soon as you pull out your shovel, the sides fall right back in. This thought hit me this year when digging in the sand at Cannon Beach with my daughter, Leah. We giggled as we’d dig a hole and the sand would fall back in...