Stop Pushing My Buttons!

If people would just stop pushing my buttons, everything would be great and I’d be an awesome guy. That’s the obvious solution, isn’t it? Other people changing for me? Unfortunately, there’s one problem with that ‘solution’: it’s...

Of People & Pendulums

Here’s something to contemplate: People as Pendulums. They’re peculiar things, pendulums. They can’t change mid-swing. When you let one fly, it goes pretty much as far in the opposite direction as it started in the first. Equal and opposite extremes, one might...

Olympic Glory It’s Not

As we entrench ourselves in the Olympics this week, it’s clear: everyone loves winning. The pride of being the best, of being able able to exclaim, “I’m a winner!”  is exhilarating. And on the world stage, against the best of the best, OMG, that has got to be a...

A Crying Shame

Let me ask you what I hope is an easy question: What do you do when a baby cries?   Usually, you pick them up. Right? You don’t yell at it, ignore it, threaten it, demand it find a different way to communicate with you, or any other action that requires the baby...
Playing Hardball With “Soft” Skills

Playing Hardball With “Soft” Skills

Playing ‘hardball’ is tough, right? It’s supposed to be serious, difficult, dangerous and most definitely not for the weak of heart. “Hey! We play hardball here! Get used to it!!” Softball on the other hand–that’s supposed to be easier, gentler...

Forget Learning – Start Forgetting!

Have you noticed how easy it is to get hung up on what we think we ‘need’ to know? When we ask the question “How can I be a leader?”, we proceed to look for the best book, the best class, the best something or someone to teach us the answer. We...