Good leaders have a clear vision for where they are going. True. Really good leaders have a clear vision for where they are going and a solid plan for how to get there. Also true.
But great leaders?
Great leaders have something else. Something good leaders, even really good leaders, too often feel is unnecessary, or too “touchy-feely.” That something is A Story. Let’s be honest, your plan & vision don’t matter if you can’t lead others into where you are going! What makes great leaders truly great, therefore, is the story.
Think about it this way: people will do tasks assigned to them because that’s how they get a paycheck. If that’s all you seek from those you lead, don’t waste your time cultivating a story, because you’ll never be able to sell it and no one will care.You’ll get lackluster performance and virtually no loyalty. However, leadership isn’t about tasks, is it? Leadership is about people. Remember: we manage tasks, but we lead people. Managers who fail to lead rarely inspire loyalty, rarely get people to achieve above and beyond their expectations, rarely engage in emotional connection that creates a cohesive team that supports and inspires each other to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
Great leaders, however, do just that. And they do it through the story.
Too often leaders are so eager to explain the “how,” when what really gets people engaged is the why, the reason behind what you’re doing. Why are we going down this path and not that one? Why are we focusing our efforts on this product line? What makes you right when the industry is going left? Why should we care? This is what people are asking consciously or subconsciously, and when you can answer those kinds of questions effectively, you’ve got power. No one wants to be a tool in your toolbox, they’re not your pawn — they want to do something they’re passionate about, something they can connect with their personal story and something they can believe in! So give it to them. And as with all great storytellers, they will gather at your feet and hang on every word.
Your story is infinitely powerful — so share it!