Steven's Own Words

The Invisible Impact of Unintentional Behavior

The Invisible Impact of Unintentional Behavior

Lately, I’ve been reflecting a lot on unintentional behavior and how it shows up in our lives. You know, those moments when you say or do something, thinking you’re being completely harmless, only to realize later that it was received in a way you never intended.  A...

Seeing the Water: The Power of Stepping Back

Seeing the Water: The Power of Stepping Back

In his famous commencement speech, This Is Water, David Foster Wallace tells the story of two young fish swimming along when they encounter an older fish who says, "Morning, boys. How’s the water?" The young fish swim on for a bit before one turns to the other and...

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The stories we tell ourselves matter. As leaders, we have to remember that every person we lead has a story they want to tell with their life. Many of us can’t seem to tell the story that we want because there are too many other factors and influences affecting the...

Know What You’re Looking For

Know What You’re Looking For

In my last two posts, I introduced you to the power of the subconscious, as well as the language of the subconscious (emotions and story).  We learned that the vast majority of the things driving our reactions and responses are coming from the stories and emotions of...


NEW Book: Leadership Just Got Personal

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